Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What you get if you buy Moto Morini

This is a follow up to the last blog posting on the Moto Morini auction.

The auction organized by the court of Bologna includes pretty much everything in the building if anyone is attending. They are attempting to get a solid offer for everything, if that doesn't reach the minimum they will sell everything individually. A friend of mine from Milano is planning on attending.

It's sad, I actually had featured the brand in my video from the last Intermot.

If you buy Moto Morini you get the following: Moto Morini marque, drawings, projects, all production and assembly equipment, office equipment, furniture, company cars, components, engines, parts, accessories, clothing, packaging, exempt from the sale will be the finished bikes, both new and used that have been sold during this last year of voluntary liquidation to pay for some of the company’s debts.

The entire plant building located at Casalecchio del Reno is included in the auction, with bidding starting at € 5.500.000,00, but in the event that their are no offers for the entire lot with the property, bids will start € 2,600 .000,00 which will include two years of free use of the buildings.

Hopefully some buyer or consortium will now decide to buy out at these bargain basement prices and decide to put this historic marque back on its feet.

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